Letters: Great to see students honored at UH game; Investigate state’s role in Kalua placement; We don’t want wannabe cops enforcing the law

Gun Rights

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I went to my first University of Hawaii football game, Saturday’s wild, high-scoring squeaky win against Colorado State (“University of Hawaii football team closes home slate with high-scoring win over Colorado State,” Star-Advertiser, Top News, Nov. 20). As spectacular as the game was UH honoring not only the football team, but bringing onto the field many of the other sports teams of the university: both the women’s and men’s volleyball (national champions) and basketball teams, and the women’s soccer team.

Additionally, during and after the game, UH honored the seniors on the football team and the seniors in the many groups that are a part of the university’s sports and entertainment community: the seniors in the UH band, the cheer team, flag carriers and others.

All in all, the 5,000 spectators in the micro-stadium for the final home game of the UH football season had a great evening seeing the dedicated students at UH who have added sports and music into their college careers.

Ann Wright


More oversight needed to protect children

I was sickened to read about the turn in Isabella Kalua’s case and that she is now gone from us (“Oahu grand jury indicts adoptive parents in Isabella Kalua murder case,” Star-Advertiser, Nov. 18).

How many times have defenseless children been harmed by their caregivers in this state? How do our children come to be placed in homes with people who have histories of violence?

I know that Child Protective Services social workers have large caseloads, but are our children not important enough to us to warrant increased budgets in their care agencies? How do we make our children a priority?

Elizabeth Nelson


HPD demonstrates lack of common sense

Something is tragically wrong when the Honolulu Police Department washes its hands of a reported situation of child abuse by referring it to some other entity (“Abuse reported years before Isabella Kalua’s death,” Star-Advertiser, Nov. 23) — yet handcuffs and hauls in to jail a 10-year-old girl who draws an offensive picture. In what universe does that make sense?

A child who draws pictures is more dangerous than a parent who abuses a child? Who makes these decisions? Who reviews these decisions? Doesn’t police training teach relative dangers in decision-making? Whatever happened to common sense?

James Hildenbrand

Waialae Iki

Investigate state’s role in Kalua placement

Thank you for your coverage of the abuse and killing of Ariel (“Oahu grand jury indicts adoptive parents in Isabella Kalua murder case,” Star-Advertiser, Nov. 18).

Please also investigate the state’s lack of oversight into her well-being, and the state’s careless placing of her and her siblings into that household.

It looks like the prosecutor’s investigation is focused only on the Kaluas and not on the unconscionable placement of the children into that abusive household.

Anne Miller


Vigilantes pose danger to themselves, others

I continue to be dismayed that the intersection of stand-your-ground self-defense and citizens-arrest laws is becoming crowded with people who are, in effect, self-appointed officious intermeddlers.

They put themselves in harm’s way ostensibly, in their own minds at least, to protect people or property; however, they remain amateurs at weapons retention and thereby pose a danger to themselves and others.

I’m waiting for the National Rifle Association to create the Rittenhouse- Zimmerman-McMichael Award to recognize those who initiate violence so they can use their guns.

The only solution is to adopt U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’s view of the Second Amendment and allow open- or concealed-carry in every state. This might give vigilantes pause before they shoot no-longer- unarmed people.

As for police concerns about heightened danger to them, they might reconsider their knee-jerk support for Republicans.

David Lee


We don’t want wannabe cops enforcing the law

The cases of Kyle Rittenhouse, and shooting victims Trayvon Martin and Ahmaud Arbery, all involved a shooter who isn’t a cop, but is acting as if he was one.

We don’t want wannabe cops with guns running around trying to enforce laws. They don’t have uniforms or badges, so how is anyone supposed to know their intentions?

This is part of the DIY (do it yourself) rage, in which people who think that because they read a few things and watched a few YouTube videos, they are the equal of a professional.

I’m not saying that experts are always right, but please show some respect for superior training and experience. And if you don’t want militias running around, don’t defund the police, Border Patrol or FBI.

Check out the role of militias in Germany from 1933 to 1939, or in Iraq and Syria in the last two decades. Poor outcomes.

Lloyd Lim



It’s been a year of uncertainty, adaptation and recovery — and now it’s time to reflect on things with hope and gratitude.

Today through Nov. 23, send in your thoughts about the things you’re thankful for (letters at 150 words max, or essays at 500-600 words). A collection of these “Be thankful” submissions will run on Nov. 28, Thanksgiving weekend.

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