Oregon: Overreaching Gun Control Heads to the Governor’s Desk – Urge Governor Brown to Veto!

Gun Rights

Today, the Senate Democrats gave final approval to anti-gun legislation, Senate Bill 554, sending the measure to the desk of Governor Kate Brown.  Please contact Governor Brown and ask that she veto SB 554, a measure that only targets law-abiding gun owners.

Senate Bill 554 detrimentally impacts law abiding gun owners in Oregon by: 

  • Allows more than 1,224 Oregon school district boards to prohibit Concealed Handgun License Holders (CHL) on their grounds
  • Bans CHL holders from the State Capitol and airports
  • Mandates one-size-fits-all firearms storage within your home and vehicle 
  • Increases CHL application fees 2x and increases renewal fees by 50% 
  • Implements felony charges and loss of your firearm rights for violations

SB 554 received overwhelming opposition from the public and NRA members, even though they were faced with minimal notice, technical difficulties, and a closed Capitol.

As originally drafted, SB 554 gutted Oregon’s Preemption law by handing authority over to any municipality, to dictate firearms laws in any public building.  That version wasn’t even close to the bill the Senate “concurred” on today. For more information on how the measure was amended behind the scenes with minimal to no public input, see our previous alert here.

Again, it is extremely important that you contact Governor Kate Brown and ask her to VETO Senate Bill 554.

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