Daines Touts Big GOP Numbers from Primary Election

Gun Rights

Montana’s Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) touted the record turnout seen during Montana’s primary election on June 2nd. He touted not only the record turnout in general, but the huge numbers posted in support of Montana Republicans.

Daines joined me on the radio the day after the election, and says he is very thankful for such a strong showing. He says, despite the fears over coronavirus, Montanans showed up in a big way with record turnout.

When it comes to his re-election this Fall, Daines says the choice is now very clear:

There could not be a clearer contrast between what I stand for and what Gov Bullock stands for. I tell you, it starts with how we even got into the race. I always talked about putting Montana first…the Governor said no I’m not running for the Senate, no I’m not running for the Senate over and over again. He said he wasn’t fit for the job.

And then Chuck Schumer jumped on a private jet and flew out to Montana the first week of March and met face-to-face with the governor and talked him into the race. And I’ll tell you what , Aaron, when I come back here I’m not standing with Chuck Schumer. I’m standing alongside President Trump to move forward with his agenda. If Steve Bullock is elected to the United States Senate he will be Chuck Schumer’s pawn.

Daines then touted his A+ rating from the National Rifle Association and highlighted Bullock’s embrace of gun control during his failed presidential race.

Click below for the full audio:

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