“Ralph Northam Did A Terrible Thing With Gun Control”

Gun News

Breitbart reports President Trump said “Ralph Northam did a terrible thing with gun control.” https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/04/18/donald-trump-virginia-gov-ralph-northam-did-horrible-thing-gun-control/

He did, and we will not know just how terrible a thing Blackface Northam did until the 2021 crime statistics are in around Halloween of 2022, since the Bloomberg-Northam bundle of ban precursors will not be in force for a full hear.

However, you can expect the rise in violence to be in line with the rise in crime in 1963 and 1964. http://www.disastercenter.com/crime/vacrime.htm

If Americans are to live in the peace and security we had in 1962, we must send those who passed the laws that have driven crime rates sky high, and then demand repeal of those laws.


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